



美高梅mgm集团 (美高梅mgm集团) is one of North Carolina’s leaders in providing individual online courses, 以及完全在线的学位课程. Our students are afforded the opportunity to complete course work in a way that meets today’s demanding schedules and fulfills the educational requirements of this challenging economy. 对很多学生来说, our degree programs are the first step to a four-year college/university degree and the first step in their future career goals.

而在线课程提供了便利, they are fully as comprehensive as seated courses and create unique challenges for students and their families. 自我激励, 遵从指示的能力, 基本的计算机技能对于成功的远程学习者来说是至关重要的.

美高梅mgm集团, 美高梅mgm集团努力为所有学生提供最高质量的教学, 传统和在线. 通过快速响应的支持服务, we ensure that our online learners have all the tools needed to meet their educational goals and build a brighter future.

在线课程 & 美高梅mgm集团的程序选项

每个学生获得大学学位的途径可能都不一样.  有些学生可能想在传统教室里上所有的课, 有些人可能想要完全上网, 其他人可能想要两者的结合.  不管哪条路适合你, 美高梅mgm集团 can meet your needs with a variety of course options to fit your goals and objectives.

要查找美高梅mgm集团提供的课程,请访问 课程表美高梅mgm集团的网站上和你的导师见面安排你的课程.

作为一名在线学生, you will interact with faculty and students from diverse backgrounds and cultures just as you would in the face-to-face classroom.  为了促进学生参与在线课堂,美高梅mgm集团使用技术, 比如论坛, 博客, 网络会议, 聊天室, 消息, 以及学生与学生、教师与学生互动的电子邮件.

美高梅mgm集团 courses are asynchronous — meaning you don’t have to attend online classes at a specific time although some instructors may offer virtual classes that are scheduled at a set meeting time.  也有规定的作业截止日期.  Each course is outlined in a syllabus located in the Step 1 on your Moodle course’s main page. 此教学大纲工具提供教师信息以及课程描述, 教学单元和方法, 分级的政策, 出勤政策, 课程目标. You’ll complete a variety of weekly assignments; such as readings, 讨论, 小组活动, 以及考试和其他旨在提高学习经验的活动.  Online learning offers you the flexibility to study at the times most convenient to your schedule. You should plan to spend 4 to 8 hours per week per course depending on the credit hours to enhance educational success.

There is no fee charged to students enrolled in distance education courses for the verification of identity.


Online classes require a distinctive set of skills that differ from those used in a face-to-face classroom. Before signing up for an online class you need to know and understand the needed skills and commitment that are vital to your online success.

The responsibilities of a successful online student is greater than it is in a face-to-face class. 要想在在线课程中取得成功,你需要具备以下特点:

  • 自我激励: You will need to log-in daily to your online classes to find information about assignments and to ask for help when needed.
  • 自律: 尽管在线课程很灵活,没有固定的上课时间, 你将有每周的截止日期. 你需要能够在这些截止日期前完成,而不是落后.
  • 时间管理: Some falsely believe online classes do not take up as much study time as traditional face-to-face classes. The truth is, online classes take up just as much, if not more, time than face-to-face classes. 你需要每周至少花6-9个小时来学习每门3学分的课程.g., if you are taking 12 credit hours, you will need to spend 72-108 hours per week of study time).
  • 优秀的阅读 & 写作技巧: With online classes your learning is done independently and much of what is learned is through assigned readings and writings. 在线课程通常比面对面的课程要求更多的阅读和写作.
  • 良好的计算机技能: 你必须能够收发电子邮件, 知道如何发送带有附件的电子邮件, 浏览网页, 并使用计算机软件,如文字处理程序.
  • 可靠的电脑: you must have access to a computer that meets all the technical requirements and has dependable Internet access

To help you decide if online learning is right for you evaluate your online readiness by completing the Readiness Assessment, 这将有助于衡量你对在线学习的准备程度.


Based on the outcome of your assessment choose the online environment that best suits your abilities from the class options on the page

课程名称指引 & 数字. 

  1. 才能上在线课程, 你必须跟随美高梅mgm集团的美高梅mgm集团, 测试, 注册过程. 要开始这个过程,请到  美高梅mgm集团美高梅mgm集团办公室
  2. 一旦您完成了第一步,您将进入 它支持 在美高梅mgm集团的网站上设置您的前卫did. Your VanguardID will also allow you to access your 美高梅mgm集团 email and serve as your Moodle username and password.
  3. 登录 Moodle and complete the 美高梅mgm集团 Introduction to Moodle Course to help you prepare for online course work. 学生 are encouraged to complete this orientation prior to taking an online course.  The orientation is designed to help familiarize you with 美高梅mgm集团’s Moodle course navigation and tools. 这种培训是免费的,没有“通过或不通过”之分.”  We just want to make sure that you are prepared for your online courses and to ensure your success in meeting your academic goals.
  4. 要访问在线课程,请登录 Moodle 你的课程开始日期. 在课程开始日期之前,您的课程将无法在Moodle中使用! 要查找开始日期,请登录 my美高梅mgm集团 点击“我的课程表”的连结,选择正确的学期. 课程开始日期应在课程描述下方.

美高梅mgm集团每学期提供许多在线课程. 找到你想上的课程 美高梅mgm集团的课程表 . If you have already applied and been accepted to 美高梅mgm集团 please contact your advisor to register for the course.


美高梅mgm集团 is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate degrees. 联系 the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, 迪凯特, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of 美高梅mgm集团.
